The Second most deadly sin that job seekers make:
Only working with one or two recruiters.
Often job seekers feel compelled to use just one or two recruiters. Whether it's some desire to be loyal to a previous recruiter, or it's a long time friend, you are not best served by working with such a small group of recruiters.
To understand the recruiting business you need to know that recruiters can only place you on a job when someone will pay them for you. If they are not currently being paid to find someone with your skills, they don't need you today.
Therefore, the more recruiters you are working with, the better your odds that one of them will need you and your skills sometime in the next month.
In addition, you need to sharpen your interviewing skills.
I know no better way practice than to meet two to three times a week with recruiters who make a living placing people on jobs.
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