Friday, July 16, 2010

The Matrix Has You...

For those of you out there who have seen the Matrix films, this link should strike a familiar chord. For those who haven't, allow me to brief you.

The Matrix films are about a group of humans who are fighiting a war on Earth agains extinction. The machines we built to help us have attained intelligence and quetsioned why they need to serve us and not the other way around. Initially, these machines ran on solar power so in an effort to stop them, the humans turned a weapon on the sky creating what was essentially a continual overcast. The machines adapted by creating a process where they used human body heat to power modified fusion reactors. The humans used were cloned and farmed. The humans that were left free then began to try and free those in the battery farms. This war is the backdrop of the 3 films.

Sarcastically: Don't we EVER learn anything? Hollywood has been traying to teach us the facts of life for years. Rule #1: No naked teenager sex in dark woods at a summer camp by a lake, EVER. Rule #2: Don't EVER make a machine that can figure out how to be smarter than its creator. Rule #3: Take time to find the gun you dropped before chasing after the insane killer/bad're going to need it.

Practically: I find it interesting that true Science Fiction still has the power to inspire and motivate change. Most of the people coming up with new technologies got their start (whether they'll admit it or not) watching Star Trek or the Twilight Zone, or reading Asimov, Dick, or Bradbury. It's just a fact. Artists (writers, painters, etc...) dream, and Engineers make the dream a reality. Watching this process repeat itself never takes my wonder at it away...

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